சட்டத்தரனி யோகராஜா அவர்ளின் மறைவுக்கு தமிழ்முரசு அவுஸ்ரேலியாவின் ஆழ்ந்த அனுதாபங்கள்

தமிழ்முரசு அவுஸ்ரேலியா வின் ஆசிரியர்களில் ஒருவரான மதுரா மகாதேவ் அவர்களின் அன்புத் தந்தையார் சட்டத்தரனி 
சங்கரப்பிள்ளை யோகராஜா அவர்கள் நேற்று  ( செவ்வாய் ) இரவு காலமானார். அன்னாரின் மறைவுக்கு தமிழ்முரசு அவுஸ்ரேலியாவின் ஆழ்ந்த அனுதாபங்கள்

By Mathura.

  RIP my dearest appa. I am grieved to say good bye to you. You have been a wonderful father and filled the void of my mother's absence after her demise in 1986. Thank you very much for all the sacrifices you have done to the family. You lived a dignified life. Helped so many in so many ways when you worked as a Labour Officer. Got jobs for many people. When you started to practice as a Lawyer and as a Notary Public you have helped so many especially the people of Sandilipay. You were a people's person and everyone addressed you in Sandilipay as "yogi annai". God did not give us kids but you were our child for the past few years. You are now in a better place and will be blessing us from heaven with amma. You are free from all the pain and from this evil world. Good bye appa until we meet again.

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